About You Assessment
Are you currently injured or in pain?
Yes, I have NEW or UNDIAGNOSED issue
Yes, but it is an old issue or has been diagnosed
No, but I have an ongoing problem or movement limitation
No, but I am looking to prevent future problems or improve my health & performance
If this is an existing, diagnosed issue, which best describes you?
I have been referred by my medical practitioner to for a rehabilitation program
I have a complex issue or am unsure about what treatment is best for me
I recently had surgery
I am otherwise well but am looking to improve my movement or prevent future problems (e.g. I want my knee not to start aching when I play tennis)
Would you like us to help?
Yes, and I would like to see or speak to someone
Yes, and I would prefer online resources for now
No, I am not yet interested right now
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Pain Assessment Questionnaire
I'm %%personality%%
But I'm also %%personality%%