By Nick Burrows – Exercise Physiologist Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease characterised primarily by pain, but also stiffness, crepitus (joint cracking) and reductions in strength. The most common form of OA is knee OA but nearly any joint in the body can be affected. The exact cause of OA is unknown but there are…

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The combination of movements involved in 14.4 will mean a release of some epic pre-wod mobility routines..  To speed things up a bit here is a combined hip and shoulder activation exercise that will get you some good pre-wod stability and heat into your hips and shoulders prior to jumping into 14.4  Complete a total…

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Band resisted side stepping or crab walking as it’s more commonly known, is an excellent and regularly used activation exercise for the gluteals. It is a very simple and very effective way of firing up your hip stabilisers pre-training.  However, just like any other exercise if incorrect position or technique is used it can be…

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by Luke Kane – MTP Founder, Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Movement Specialist.  There is an enormous amount of free health information available on the internet these days. Some great, some good, some average, and some rubbish. Well, a lot of rubbish. And in all categories there are many different experts/pseudo experts giving new, different and…

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When you are planning your pre/post training regime, what are the big targets on your check list? The must do areas that you would be negligent to leave out? Hip mobility; quads, hamstrings, glutes? Some thoracic and shoulder mobility maybe?  Often the forgotten cousin of the lower limb (with the quads and hamstrings getting all…

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By Glenn Stevens, Chiropractor When we look at the joints in the body and the way in which they are supposed to function, we begin to see a pattern. Mike Boyle and Gray Cook (if you aren’t familiar with them I suggest you check our their books) hit the hammer on the head when they…

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By Nick Burrows, Exercise Physiologist ​You may have noticed that we have recently added a new set of tests to our movement assessment where we have been getting our athletes to perform single leg jumps. While some impressive distances have been seen, what we are actually looking at is any disparity between the two legs.…

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Move Train Perform would like to thank everyone that has visited us, followed us on Facebook, Instagram, read/watched our blogs and attended our seminars during 2014. It has been a roller coaster year for MTP, with some amazing highs and some disappointing lows. We have added new team members and new services, we closed a clinic then…

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