What is a Baker’s Cyst? How its diagnosed and treated.
Every other day at MTP Health patients present with concerns about being diagnosed with a Baker’s cyst or Popliteal cyst. Understandably, finding out you have a “cyst” in your knee sounds bad. But the good news is they really are harmless. Without a doubt they can be annoying and a little uncomfortable at times but…
See MoreMovement is medicine for knee pain
Any pain in our bodies can make us feel like stopping movements that hurt. It seems logical to stop doing something that hurts but this isn’t always the answer, particularly for knee pain. This may sound counterintuitive but to understand that saying ‘movement is medicine’, we need to start with what movement does for our…
See MoreImproving Your Mobility 101 [All About CARs]
“Nothing Happens Until Something Moves” – Albert Einstein Have you ever wondered what you need to be doing each and every day to improve your mobility and flexibility? Do you think working on your mobility is something you should do more of? Would you like to have a simple set of exercises that can go…
See MoreAnatomical Breakdown [Runners Mobility Routine]
This routine is a fantastic full-body routine that can be done before or after a run. It is designed to release the tight spots that most commonly limit runners, while also strengthening key areas that are often neglected. To understand the general theory behind these exercises we recommend watching this video, which we created…
See MoreThe Science Behind how Practice Literally Makes Perfect [Mobility, Performance & Your Brain]
“Nothing is impossible” Chances are, if you watched the video above, you simply wrote off what you just witnessed as some kind of anomaly. A ‘Freak of Nature’ if you will. You probably saw what he was able to do with his feet, then took a glance of curiosity down toward your shoe covered appendages.…
See MoreThis is TRUE Athletic Performance: Why the Best Athlete is Never the Strongest in the Gym
True performance = [The biomechanics of improved mobility (Greater Range of motion & control)] X [Strength/Power (Force able to be applied)] Equations truly are a beautiful thing. They represent the most simple way to describe a phenomenon with a high level of accuracy. The True Performance equation There are a number of factors that…
See MoreWhy you are Always Stiff, Tired and Sore
If you have been following along, you will know that mobility is incredibly important for optimal health and performance. However, you will also know that it is poorly understood. Today I want to talk about why mobility is a function of our daily lives and the activities we do, along with why we must train…
See MoreThe static stretching debate: what does it mean for CrossFit participants.
by Luke Kane Exercise Physiologist – Movement Specialist “Is it safe to stretch before I train?” I get this question all the time in the clinic. For as long as I can remember there has been some level of debate over whether it is safe, unsafe, good or bad for performance to hold static stretches…
See MoreAddressing a common mistake in thigh/hip flexor stretching aka. the couch stretch.
Not making change with your mobility? You may have mobility ADD
by Luke Kane – MTP Founder, Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Movement Specialist. There is an enormous amount of free health information available on the internet these days. Some great, some good, some average, and some rubbish. Well, a lot of rubbish. And in all categories there are many different experts/pseudo experts giving new, different and…
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