Movement Efficiency

Always Getting Injured Part 2

Injuries are no fun. The pain is genuinely draining. But the same injury or pain coming back again and again after you thought you had dealt with it? That takes the cake… In part 1 or this article we discussed the first 3 steps to break the cycle of recurrent injuries. Awareness and applying a…

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Stiff, Tired & Sore

If you have been following along, you will know that mobility is incredibly important for optimal health and performance. However, you will also know that it is poorly understood. Today I want to talk about why mobility is a function of our daily lives and the activities we do, along with why we must train…

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Q: What is the most important movement in CrossFit/Weightlifting/Sports/Life…..? Not the squat.Not the deadlift.Not the clean.Not the snatch.Not the swing.Not a box jump.Not kipping…. ​ None of these are the most important movement in CrossFit or in any form of fitness for that matter. However, they do all contain THE most important movement as part of…

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We love squats, I love squats, everyone loves squats. They are the king of all exercises right? Well, squats and deadlifts. Nothing is more functional than having the capacity to pick things up from the floor, carry stuff on your back and move up/down. But as we endeavour to load these movements and their derivatives…

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The mark of good coach or trainer is their ability to modify their coaching cues to suit the individual. What works for one person often won’t work for another. So the flexibility of the metaphorical tool box that each coach carries with them, of physical and verbal options for assisting their clients to ‘get it’,…

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