Posts Tagged ‘movement’

Blog Banner Bakers Cyst 2

Every other day at MTP Health patients present with concerns about being diagnosed with a Baker’s cyst or Popliteal cyst. Understandably, finding out you have a “cyst” in your knee sounds bad. But the good news is they really are harmless. Without a doubt they can be annoying and a little uncomfortable at times but…

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Exercise And Covid

Covid-19 has posed many challenges to our community over the past 2 years. While grappling with disruptions to work and family arrangements, the impacts on our overall wellbeing and health have become apparent as we have been forced to abandon many of our essential strategies for coping – time with extended family and friends, vacations,…

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Plantar Faciitis

In our series about breaking the cycle of recurring injuries, I outlined the difference between Structural and Functional issues. Thankfully, although plantar fasciitis can be incredibly painful, it is an injury that falls into the functional category which means it can be addressed if you improve the way you move. What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar…

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Blog Banner Always Getting Injured

Do you have a pain or injury that just keeps coming back? That’s been on and off for so long that you now just think of it as part of your life? Initially perhaps you thought that you might be able to shake it off quickly and get back to your normal routine, a quick…

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The Freedom Program [A Focus On Empowerment] Lifestyle Freedom: Having the ability to do whatever you want with your body, any place, any time without being fearful of injury, disease, or ill health.   The Freedom program. It’s the end goal for our patients at MTP Health. An entire program that is based around one…

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